Rose Chat Podcast
Five Roses

Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
On today's program, Cindy shares five of her favorite classic Hybrid Teas and five of her favorite easier care, decorative Hybrid Teas. So, there is something for everyone! She also shares wonderful tips for growing roses in her particular part of the country - the deep south!
Cindy Dale...
Cindy is an awarding winning rose gardener, consulting rosarian as well as rose show exhibitor and rose show judge. She currently serves on the American Rose Society board as the Deep South District Director. Listen in as she shares her gardening experiences of growing more than 280 roses in the deep south.
Follow Cindy on Facebook for more information and incredible pictures.
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave -
Creator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington -
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
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This podcast is a production of the VanCleave Media Group, Birmingham Alabama

Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Exhibiting roses is a fun and rewarding hobby. We believe deep inside most every rose grower is an exhibitor waiting for an opportunity to show the world their blooms. Today we hear from a rose master who'll tell us about five exhibition quality roses that you can grow and show. We think that by growing these roses, it'll surely awaken the exhibitor within you. This includes one rose that gets as big as a Volkswagen! Well, at least in Bob's garden...
Here's a list of the roses Bob chatted with us about today:
Rose de Rescht - Old Garden Rose (OGR)Joy - MiniatureJulia Child - FloribundaButter Cream - MinifloraDona Martin - Hybrid Tea
Click the links to view photo's and purchase information for these roses from online retailers.
About Our Guest:
Bob Martin has been growing roses for 44 years. He is one of the top exhibitors in the United States and maintains a garden of over 400 varieties. He is an ARS Master Rosarian, an Accredited Horticultural Judge and an Accredited Arrangements Judge.
Bob is the current Vice President of the American Rose Society, is chairman of the American Rose Society Horticultural Exhibitor's Committee and Editor of the American Rose Society quarterly publication, the Rose Exhibitors' Forum. He maintains a website covering U.S. rose shows at as well as a Facebook site for Rose Exhibitors' Forum. Bob has also been an Editor of Horizon Roses for 21 years and the National Editor for ten years. He is the author of the book "Showing Good Roses" and was honored for his lifetime contribution to rose education as a 2009 recipient of the ARS Klima Medal.
Bob is an active rose exhibitor at all levels and the 2007 recipient of the ARS Guy Blake Hedrick Jr. Award for lifetime achievement in rose exhibiting. During his 30 year exhibiting career, he has shown roses in more than 220 shows, winning more than 1,400 trophies in every exhibiting class, including 13 national trophies. Bob has also judged an additional 84 shows and is a frequent lecturer at judging schools through out the country.
An avid hybridizer, he has 14 registered varieties, including the show roses 'Butter Cream' & 'Dona Martin', varieties mentioned on today's broadcast.
Today's Show Links:
The cornerstone of rose culture in the United States.
American Rose Society - Find a local rose show!
Top Exhibition Roses, Rose Show Results and more!
The "Must Have" insiders guide to purchasing exhibition roses.
Order Horizon Roses

Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Do you have fifteen minutes to hear about five fabulous old garden roses? On this broadcast, OGR aficionado, Cydney Wade who owns Rose Petals Nursery chats with us about five roses that are fully sustainable and super easy to grow. If you love the beauty, fragrance and allure of old roses, you're gonna love this conversation.
Show Links:
Rose Petals Nursery - Website
Rose Petals Nursery - Facebook