Rose Chat Podcast

Exploring the World of Roses...

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Sunday Apr 02, 2017

Acclaimed British rosarian and professional rose sniffer Michael Marriott joins us for a delighful conversation about two new roses being introduced this year from David Austin Roses. You'll be delighted by the white blooms of 'Desdemona' and overjoyed as you take a look at the glowing pink color of 'The Ancient Mariner'. 
Michael also chats with us about good garden design, some great companion plants and gives us the number one criteria that they use when selecting new roses. It's a broadcast you ceretainly don't want to miss. 
Learn more about the exciting new rose varieties talked about on today's show at 

Sunday Mar 19, 2017

Carpal tunnel syndrome affects up to 10 million American's a year, many of which are gardeners. On this broadcast, Dr. Barry McCasland shares with us what carpal tunnel syndrome is, how it affects us and explores treatment options.  
This series of podcasts is dedicated to health and wellness issues related to gardeners. Dr. McCasland is a board certified physician, avid rose gardener and wants you to get the most out of your health and your roses.Note: The information provided in this series is meant for basic informational purposes, and is not intended to replace the advice given to you by your physician. Consult with your doctor before making decisions concerning your health.The Rose Garden Checkup with Dr. Barry McCasland, heard exclusively on the Rose Chat Podcast.

Friday Mar 10, 2017

The Chicago Flower and Garden Show comes to life March 18-26 at Navy Pier with tons of gardens, fun activites, educational seminars and a charity event benefiting local garden endeavors. Tony Abruscato, President of Flower Show Productions joins us to share all about one of the nation's premiere flower and garden expositions.  
Show Links:
Chicago Flower Show WebsiteChicago Flower Show on Facebook
Chicago Flower on Twitter
Rose Chat Podcast founder and host Chris VanCleave, aka "The Redneck Rosarian" will be a featured speaker at this years show. Check out his appearance schedule.
Chris VanCleave at the Chicago Flower Show

Monday Feb 06, 2017

Seed Keeper Project 2017 
Carol and Kerrie from the Seed Keeper Company join us on this special editon of Voices From The Garden. On a mission to connect kids with gardening, this dynamic duo has recognized over 300 school gardens with their annual Seed Keeper Project. Find out about the importance of connecting of connecting kids and communities to the good earth and how you can be a part of that in your neck of the woods. 
Nominate a local school in your area to be recognized and rewarded by visiting the Seed Keeper Facebook page here LINK
Resource Links:
Seed Keeper Project Website
Seeds of the Month
Corona Tools
About This Series:
Voices From The Garden is a series of broadcasts submitted by gardeners who share with us an intrinsic mix of life lessons, faith stories and glorious gardening adventures, exclusively on the Rose Chat Podcast. Do you have a story to tell? Record your experience and send it to us at

Thursday Jan 26, 2017

Sandy and Bob Lundberg have been growing roses since the 1970's and exhibiting them in rose shows since 1989. In that time they have grown a ton of roses and have become a "GO TO" source for advice on varieties for exhibition. For the past 25 years, Sandy has published "Sandy's Picks"; a list of roses that she thinks you'll love. Well, almost all of em.  This no nonsense approach to reporting on roses has endearded her to rose growers everywhere.
We caught up with Sandy at Top Gun 2016. An exhibitors conclave; this event is an opportunity for top exhibitors to teach the tricks of the trade to up and coming exhibitors. Sandy is a sought after speaker in the rose world and was a featured presenter at this event. She allowed us to record her presentation. 
With Sandy's permission I have attached her slides from the presentation in the PDF format so you can follow along and see all the beautiful roses she mentions on today's show.  
Companion Materials: 
Click the links below to follow along with Sandy's talk. 
Sandy's Picks 1
Sandy's Picks 2

Weeks Roses | New Roses for 2017

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016

Rose Hybridizer for Weeks Roses, Christian Bebard, joins us to chat about their new rose introducitons for 2017. On this broadcast you'll hear about: 'All My Loving", 'Cupid's Kisses", 'Children's Hope', 'Tropical Lightening', 'Easy to Please' plus two new varieties from the Downton Abbey collection; 'Edith's Darling' and 'Violet's Pride'. All this and so much more! 
Today's Show Links:
Weeks Roses
Children's Brain Tumor Foundation
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Sunday Nov 13, 2016

Don't miss this chat with author and rosarian Teresa Mosher talking about her latest book, "A Year In My Rose Garden." This book is a month-by-month guide to planting and caring for roses. As a companion to the book, Teresa created a journal to track your plantings, sketch out drawings and journal notes about your gardening adventures. 
The Rose Chat team along with today's guest share their stand out roses for the 2016 growing season. 
Show Links:

Monday Oct 24, 2016

The motion picture Sully hit theaters this month. It's the tale of Captain Sullenberger and crew and how they crash landed US Airways flight 1549 into the Hudson River saving all 155 passengers on board. It's a story that's come to be known as "The Miracle on the Hudson." Our guest on today's show is Robert Neil Rippetoe, he's the hybridizer that created the rose named to commemorate this heroic event and he's here to talk with us about this rose, his hybridizing program and also offers some great tips for new rose growers. 

Monday Oct 10, 2016

On this broadcast of the Rose Garden Check Up, Dr. McCasland talks about the impact that fragrance has on our memories and shares with us the primary reason he grows roses and encourages us all to put our nose in a rose every chance we get. 
This series of podcasts is dedicated to health and wellness issues related to gardeners. Dr. McCasland is a board certified physician, avid rose gardener and wants you to get the most out of your health and your roses.
Note: The information provided in this series is meant for basic informational purposes, and is not intended to replace the advice given to you by your physician. Consult with your doctor before making decisions concerning your health.
The Rose Garden Checkup with Dr. Barry McCasland, heard exclusively on the Rose Chat Podcast.

Sunday Sep 11, 2016

Voices From The Garden
Dawn Pettinelli, an Extension Educator who blogs for the University of Connecticut's Home & Garden Education Center asks the question, "Who was Dorothy Perkins, and what's she doing in my garden?" Dawn shares with us about this special rose in her garden. Introduced around 1901, the Dorothy Perkins rose became one of the most widely grown roses in the world. Hear how this rose continues to endear itself to gardeners today. 
Learn more about today's guest: 
University of Connecticut - Home & Garden Education Center
Jackson & Perkins History:
Voices From The Garden is a series of short broadcasts submitted by gardeners who share with us an intrinsic mix of life lessons, faith stories and gardening adventures, exclusively on the Rose Chat Podcast.  Do you have a story to tell? Record your experience and send it to us at 


Rose Chat Podcast

Exploring the World of Roses

This award winning podcast explores all things roses. Join hosts Chris VanCleave and Teresa Byington as they chat with rose lovers and experts from around the globe to help you achieve the rose garden of your dreams>

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