Rose Chat Podcast

Exploring the World of Roses...

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Thursday Feb 12, 2015

The Chicago Flower Show is just around the corner and this year they are featuring
roses in a big way!  From a formal rose
garden display to a magnificent fairy garden planted with miniature roses.
Young and old alike with be mesmerized by the power of roses at the Chicago
Flower Show. We are so happy to have Arlena
Schott and Richard Anthony to the show to talk about miniature roses and
gardens and their collaboration to produce a magnificent display garden at the
show. Arlena has been keeping things Green for
over 32 years thru her Landscape Business Arlena’s Plantscape and Design as
well as being the owner of an Independent Garden Center for more than 14 years.
She is a sought after speaker sharing her “Magic Of Miniature Gardens workshops
with thousands around the country.As the Host and Producer of the television
series “Garden Wise Living TV” for more than 15 years Arlena’s episodes have
educated and Inspired gardeners with her sustainable approach to gardening. Richard Anthony is the owner of ForLoveOf an online store dedicated to providing top quality miniature and
miniflora roses for the exhibitor and home gardener alike. Richard has been
growing roses for over 10 years and is a championship rose exhibitor, with over
100 Queens of Show to his credit, he has exhibited roses from coast to coast
and holds 5 national trophies. Both chatted with us about the creation of these amazing gardens and what visitors can expect to see and do at the show....

Thursday Feb 12, 2015

Anthony & Brenna Bosch joins us to chat about how For Love of Roses began, how Richard and Brenna met and now a rose named in her honor all that just in time for Valentine's Day! If you exhibit roses, these are
two names you know. They own “For Love of Roses” an online rose shop that is a
POWERHOUSE of exhibition quality roses. Richard is a championship rose
exhibitor, with over 100 Queens of Show to his credit, 5 of which were national
trophies. So I guess you could say he knows his roses! If you love exhibiting roses, you'll enjoy this conversation.   Check out their website 

Wednesday Feb 04, 2015

Why let beautiful flowers go to waste after the party is over? By collecting floral centerpieces and arrangements that otherwise end up in the trash at hotels and special event venues, Repeat Roses is able to extend the life of beautiful blooms and deliver a spot of joy to those who would benefit most in your community (typically our nation’s elderly, abused and sick).Repeat Roses takes the ordinary business of disposing flowers and transforms it into an emotionally engaging experience while diverting a significant amount of organic waste from a trip to the landfill and creating a local community composting opportunity. Hear Repeat Roses founder tell this inspiring story and hear ways that you can get involved!  Check them out online: 

Wednesday Jan 28, 2015

What a delightful conversation this was! Susan Lyell Young was a
perennial gardener in Nashville, TN when she rescued a bagged Mr. Lincoln rose
from Kmart. That was  three years ago and since then she has fallen in
love with roses and collected more than 250 mostly vintage and antique roses.
She particularly loves the vintage polyanthas and pre-WWII hybrid teas,
noisettes, and hybrid musks. Ms. Young gardens on an urban
city lot of 11/0th an acre and is currently looking for some land in the
country so that she might grow a proper garden. When not tending to the roses
Ms. Young is an avid reader of rose history and culture and we couldn't be
happier to have her as our guest this evening. Hear her favorite roses as well as some growing tips and insights on growing the worlds' most beloved flower.  Follow Susan on Instagram: 

Saturday Jan 17, 2015

 For Spring 2015, David Austin introduces four new English Roses to U.S. and Canadian gardeners. All four feature classic Austin rose attributes – a romantic old-fashioned flower form, heady fragrance and masses of blooms all season long. Michael Marriott is our guest on today's broadcast. He's the Chief Rosarian at David Austin roses and we'll be chatting about this exceptional collection of roses. “We expect gardeners will be excited by these appealing English Roses,” says Austin’s senior rosarian Michael Marriott. “Each has irresistible qualities, the kind that lead gardeners to discover they have ‘just the spot’ for this!”Check out the entire collection of David Austin Roses at,‘The Lady Gardener’ – This is an intensely fragrant, apricot-colored rose that’s astoundingly floriferous, nearly burying itself in perfume and flowers from early summer to frost and has added it to their list of Most Fragrant English Roses.The Albrighton Rambler’ – Typically a rambler rose delivers a spectacular show, but blooms only once a season. ‘The Albrighton Rambler’ blooms repeatedly all season long. Thomas à Becket’ – Whereas Austin’s roses often recall an Old Rose in look, this rose is closer to a species rose, being more natural and shrubby in growth. The large red flowers are shallowly cupped, opening as informal rosettes, with petals that quickly reflex as the flowers age. Maid Marion’ – This 2015 North American introduction has everything gardeners prize in David Austin's English Roses. The buds open in rounded cups with large outside petals.Support our Sponsors:Haven Brand Soil Conditioners - All Natural Alternative to Chemical Fertilizers. S & W Greenhouse - Awesome selection of bare root roses from Weeks & David Austin 

Wednesday Nov 19, 2014

We are excited to welcome back to the Rose Chat Podcast Kristen Smith of Star Roses and Plants with the latest news from "rose hell" and  to talk about Star's new rose introductions for 2015! Here's the lineup:Dee-LishEyeconic Lychee LemonadeFired UpBougainFeelYaMercury RisingTahitian Treasure
We'll also be chatting with Kristen about some colorful container combinations for fall and how to keep them protected from the frost. 
About Star Roses & Plants
From the Peace rose to the revolutionary Knock Out® and Drift® Roses, Star® Roses and Plants/Conard-Pyle has been a pioneer in the field of plant development and introduction for more than 100 years.  Founded in 1897 as a retail mail order firm specializing in roses, Star® Roses and Plants/Conard-Pyle, has evolved from a wholesale container nursery to a leading genetics company involved directly in breeding roses, perennials and woody plants, and introducing plants from other breeders around the world. Visit the Star Roses  Website: Stay informed on upcoming broadcasts via e-mail:

Wednesday Nov 12, 2014

The Rose Chat Podcast is excited to welcome back Karen Kemp-Docksteader of Weeks Roses to talk about an incredible new lineup of roses from Weeks. Known for excellence in rose breeding, Weeks shines once again with this new collection.  Above All - Climber Ana's Promise - Downton Abbey Collection Doris Day - FloribundaNeil Diamond - Hybrid Tea Take It Easy - Floribunda Top Of The World - Climber  Hear all about these new varieties and much more on this broadcast of the Rose Chat Podcast. 
About Weeks: 
Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower is one of the largest commercial rose growers in the United States since 1938. Their top-quality bareroot plants, container plants, dormant plantable pots and liners are sold to nurseries, garden centers, and select mailorder outlets nationwide.
Weeks Roses offers a unique broad selection of specialty roses - hybrid teas & grandifloras, floribundas, climbing roses, shrublets & shrub roses, miniature roses, tree roses, and All-America Rose Selections - AARS award winners. They produce both budded and own-root plants. For each rose variety, they select the propagation method that ensures maximum plant performance, hardiness and floriferousness in your garden.

Coffee for Roses - C. L. Fornari

Wednesday Nov 05, 2014

Wednesday Nov 05, 2014

Rose Chat Podcast welcomes C. L. Fornari - "The Garden Lady" author of Coffee for Roses.  
Word-of-mouth may be a great way to learn about some products, but word-of-mouth gardening tips can be a very bad idea. The age-old practice of passing along gardening tips and tricks is no guarantee you will get a good might even do the opposite.  In her new book, garden expert C. L. Fornari looks at 71 common garden practices and uncovers the truth behind the lore.  Do marigolds keep the bugs out of the veggie patch? Will rusty nails turn hydrangeas blue? With humor and affection, she goes back in time to sort out the good, the bad and the just plain silly...and tells us why. COFFEE FOR ROSES combines gardening history and expert advice into one useful, time- and money-saving package. The author’s award-winning full color photography is throughout.  
Purchase Coffee for Roses Visit the Garden Lady's website

Thursday Oct 23, 2014

Stephen Scanniello joins us to chat about his role as Curator of the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden at the New York Botanical Garden and also efforts to preserve heritage rose varieties through is role as President of the Heritage Rose Foundation. Best known as a hands-on gardener who transformed the Cranford Rose Garden of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Stephen has authored and co-authored several rose books - Roses of America (1990, Holt) and Climbing Roses (1994, Prentice Hall/Horticulture, now Macmillan). Rose Companions (2005, Cool Springs Press) The American Horticultural Society selected a third book, A Year of Roses (1997, Holt) as one of the Ten Best Books in Horticulture for 1997. An updated edition of this award-winning classic was released in May 2006 (Cool Springs Press). His latest book, co-authored with Douglas Brenner, A Rose By Any Name, will tell stories related to rose names. This book, published by Algonquin Books, was released in February 2009. Show Links: New York Botanical Garden - Peggy Rockefeller Rose GardenHeritage Rose Foundation  

Wednesday Oct 08, 2014

Dee Nash joins us to talk about her latest book: The 20-30 Something Garden Guide. 
"Urban farming is the hot new movement sweeping the country: growing food closer to where we live, whether it’s on a condo deck, in a backyard or in a community garden. The 20/30-Something Garden Guide gives that busy, mostly urban, cohort a fun, non-intimidating introduction to the basics of gardening. These are the folks who want to know where their food comes from, and they’re hip to the importance of good health and the environment. They may not have a lot of free time or change in their pockets, but if they could find a no-fuss Gardening 101 that spoke their language and gave achievable goals, they’d go for it. This is that book: high graphic appeal, fully illustrated, step-by-step projects and essential tips. Garden expert Dee Nash divides her book into four types and sizes of gardens, starting with “Farming Your Patio, Balcony or Deck,” and giving incremental goals for the first year, and the second and third. With this guide as a basic roadmap, new gardeners can be as creative and out-of-the-box as they want. It's theirs to enjoy." Purchase The Book - Amazon Dee's Blog - Red Dirt RamblingsAbout Dee:
Dee Nash is a writer, speaker and garden coach, born and raised in Oklahoma. She lives with her husband, children, three dogs, a cat and twenty chickens on 7.5 acres between the Great American Prairie and the beginning of the deciduous forest. 


Rose Chat Podcast

Exploring the World of Roses

This award winning podcast explores all things roses. Join hosts Chris VanCleave and Teresa Byington as they chat with rose lovers and experts from around the globe to help you achieve the rose garden of your dreams>

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