
Saturday Jun 22, 2013
Saturday Jun 22, 2013
INVASION OF THE JAPANESE BEETLES David Strickland of Witherspoon Rose Culture will be with us to talk about Japanese Beetles and roses. These pesky creatures can chew through a rose bush in a day! David will offer tips on how to control them in your garden, plus he'll be taking your calls and questions on rose care. Troy-Bilt | Garden & Lawn Products | Bilt For Life Barbara Roueche joins us to tell us about the history of Troy-Bilt and what products are available to help you establish and maintain a beautiful garden space. Giveaway Offer: We are giving away a gas trimmer and a jump start engine starter from Troy-Bilt! You'll never have to pull the cord again! This trimmer will help keep your rose beds looking their best. Check our our Facebook page for details: http://www.Facebook.com/RoseChatRadio

Saturday Jun 15, 2013
Saturday Jun 15, 2013
Proven Winners - Oso Easy Roses Our celebration of National Rose Month continues with another great guest and a great giveaway! Who doesn't want beautiful disease resistant roses in their garden? With Proven Winners Oso Easy roses you can have color, form, beauty without all the fuss of traditional hybrids. Stacey Hirvela with Proven Winners, America's #1 Brand in plants joins us to talk about his delicious line of roses. You'll hear about "Cherry Pie", "Honey Bun", "Mango Salsa" and many others. Here's your chance to have the rose garden of your dreams for FREE: Proven Winners is giving away an entire rose garden on our Facebook Page! Details: http://www.Facebook.com/RoseChatRadio Keep In Touch With Rose Chat Radio Sign up for the Rose Chat Radio Newsletter:

Saturday Jun 08, 2013
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
Roses for New England Mike & Angie Chute and have been growing roses for over twenty years in East Providence, Rhode Island. “Roses for New England” is the first book written by New England rose gardeners for New England rose gardeners and is a comprehensive guide to growing sustainable roses in this unique growing environment. Mike & Angie will offer practical advice and share some of their favorite roses. Order the book Christian Bedard - Weeks Roses Hybridizer As research director at Weeks Roses, Christian oversee's testing and selection of thousands of potential rose introductions each year. An award winning hybridizer, he is responsible for such introductions as "Ketchup & Mustard", "Sugar Moon" & "Koko Loko" just to name a few. Christian will tell us about the breeding program at weeks and will tell us how he comes up with some of the names of his introductions! Weeks Roses Website Keep In Touch With Roses Chat Radio Subscribe to the Rose Chat Radio Newsletter

Saturday Jun 01, 2013
Saturday Jun 01, 2013
Beautiful Heirloom Roses Rosarian Cheryl Malone of Heirloom Roses joins us this week to talk about some unique varieites of Heirloom Roses and about the great programs they have to educate gardeners on growing our national flower http://www.HeirloomRoses.com It's Show Time! - with Bob Martin Rose Shows are popping up all over the country and acclaimed rosarian Bob Martin joins us to offer some tips for those who would like to enter their roses in a show for the very first time. Bob literally wrote the book in rose exhibiting with "Showing Good Roses" and is the publisher of "Horizon Roses" a primer on the nations top exhibition roses. http://www.RoseShow.com June Is National Rose Month In 1986 President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation naming the rose as our national floral emblem. How did that happen? Find out on this broadcast of Rose Chat Radio!

Sunday May 26, 2013
Sunday May 26, 2013
The first annual Biltmore International Rose Trials ended on Saturday May 18th with winners announced in 12 categories. Rose Chat Radio caught up with a few of the judges to hear their insights into the trials and we also spoke to a a few of the growers and breeders of the roses entered in the trials. You'll hear interviews with Mike Athy a top winner at the show with his entry "ATHYFaLaa" from his home in New Zealand. Chris Pellett of Kordes Roses in Oregon, gives a wonderful description of the fragrance of their winning entry "Beverly" a beautiful hybrid tea. Michael Marriott from David Austin Roses in the UK shared his insight on their winning entry "Darcy Bussell". Under the care and protection of the Biltmore horticultural team lead by Lucas Jack, the roses were given the best opportunity possible to reach their full potential. Read a full list of the winners on the Biltmore Estate blog Visit Biltmore: www.Biltmore.com Paul Zimmerman: Paul Zimmerman Roses Mike Athy: Mike Athy Roses Chris Pellett: Kordes Roses US Michael Marriott: David Austin Roses Congratulations to all the winners!

Saturday May 25, 2013
Saturday May 25, 2013
Kevin Green joins us this week to talk about Sarasota Florida's most stunning rose gardens. "Mable Ringling cherished roses. Her rose garden was completed in 1913 before any development took place on the 66-acre Ringling estate. Once the garden was established, Sarasota felt like home to Mable and she and John built their dream home, the Cà d’Zan mansion, and the Museum of Art in Sarasota. She was also the founder and first president of the Sarasota Garden Club." (Ringling Museum Press Release Apr 3 , 2004] http://www.ringling.org/ Geri Laufer will be with us to talk about Herbs & Roses, The Language of flowers and Tussie Mussies! http://gardengeri.com/ We'll also have continuing coverage of the Biltmore International Rose Trials with Paul Zimmerman and others. http://www.PaulZimmermanRoses.com http://www.Biltmore.com

Friday May 17, 2013
Friday May 17, 2013
Ted Mills, aka "The Rose Doc" joins us for a broadcast of biblical proportions! For over 30 years Ted has been growing roses and teaching others how to grow them. A former Director of the Tenarky district of the American Rose Soceity, Ted Mills is also a Rose Show Judge & Master Rosarian holding the Bronze and Silver honor medals for his service to the local and disctrict societies. He was also a member of the ARS Executive Committee. In his quest for blue ribbon roses, Ted began to experiment with organic materials to feed his plants. With the help of Clayton Beaty, Mills Magic Mix was born. Nearing 90, Mr. Mills is as active as ever, writing a popular column for American Rose Magazine and telling others the good news of growing roses! He'll share his "10 Commandments for Growing Roses" on our show. Join us!

Saturday May 11, 2013
Saturday May 11, 2013
The legacy of Miriam Wilkins lives on with "A Celebration Of Old Roses" an annual event that gathers the best old garden roses under one roof and raises awareness of old and scarce varieties and offers the public an opportunity to see for themselves the beauty of these wonderful old roses. Kristina Osborn Joins us to discuss this wonderful event held each year in El Cerrito, California. Full event details: www.celebrationofoldroses.org Quote from The Celebration of Old Roses Founder: "Dear Friends– There is so much in the old rose world to mystify and entrance us. Now as the roses spring forward and buds of known and unknown beauties form, I find the old excitement rising, filling me with wonder. The old world goes oft awry, but there is always the comfort of the garden." Miriam Wilkins

Saturday May 04, 2013
Saturday May 04, 2013
Mark Tyburski of Circle Organics joins us this week to answer the question: What is good soil? Good soil composition is the foundation of any successful garden and Mark will be with us to talk about building a good soil ecosystem in your garden with the Biltmore Naturals Rose Care Kit. This combination of nutrients for the garden is used at the magnificent Biltmore Estate & Gardens in Asheville, North Carolina. The estate is home to the Biltmore International Rose Trials and serves as a testing ground for roses in terms of disease resistance, vigor, bloom power and over all heath. www.BiltmoreNaturals.com Biltmore International Rose Trials Coordinator and author of the popular book "Everyday Roses" join us for a chat on the upcoming judging of the trials and also the role that good soil plays in the rose trial process. www.PaulZimmermanRoses.com

Saturday Apr 27, 2013
Saturday Apr 27, 2013
Join us as Rose Chat Radio welcomes Dr. Tony Liberta. We'll be chatting Old Garden Roses! An avid rose grower, Dr. Liberta was a member of the former McLean County Rose Society (IL), having served as its Editor, Treasurer, Vice-President and President. He is currently a member of the Greater Peoria and Decatur Rose Societies in Illinois. As a member of the American Rose Society he served on its Board of Directors for six years as the Director of the Illinois-Indiana District as well as serving a three-year term as a trustee of the ARS Maintenance Endowment Trust. He has served on several committees of the American Rose Society, and chaired its Rose Classification Committee for thirteen years. He frequently lectures and writes articles on various aspects of rose culture and was a contributing author, along with his wife, to the books Ultimate Rose and The Rose. He also helped revise the section on the genus Rosa for the American Horticulture Society’s 2004 edition of its A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants. He is an accredited rose judge and was designated a Master Rosarian by the American Rose Society in 2005. He also served as chairperson of rose judges in the Illinois-Indiana district for more than a decade. In 1989, he was the selected as the American Rose Society’s Outstanding Judge in the Illinois-Indiana District. He received the American Rose Society President’s Citation for his role in modernizing the society’s system of classifying roses. Other American Rose Society awards included the Bronze Honor Medal (shared with his wife) for dedicated service to the McLean County Rose Society, the American Rose Society Silver Honor Medal for service to the Illinois-Indiana District (1988), and the Outstanding Consulting Rosarian Award in 2001.

Rose Chat Podcast
Exploring the World of Roses
This award winning podcast explores all things roses. Join hosts Chris VanCleave and Teresa Byington as they chat with rose lovers and experts from around the globe to help you achieve the rose garden of your dreams>