
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
2019 Biltmore International Rose Trial Results
The Rose Chat Podcast crew had a blast at this year's rose trial event at the magnificent Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina.
Rose Chat creator Chris VanCleave always says, “Good things happen when people and roses come together” and this weekend was no exception.
The Biltmore International Rose Trails brings the nation’s top rose breeders and growers together as a culmination of three years’ worth of trials that will ultimately determine some of the best roses produced in the world.
Thanks to Paul Zimmerman, curator of the trial and Parker Andes, Director of Horticulture at Biltmore Estate for their hard work and dedication to the cause of sustainability.
2019 Biltmore International Rose Trial Results
Pauline Merrell Award – Best Hybrid Tea
Moonlight Romantica - Meilland
Edith Wharton Award - Best Floribunda
Bliss Parfuma - Kordes
Gilded Age Award – Best Climbing Rose
Cupid’s Kisses - Bedard
Chauncey Beadle Award – Best Shrub RoseCoral Knock Out - Radler
Lord Burleigh Award - Best Disease Resistance
Sweet Hips - Kapao
William Cecil Award - Best General Impression
Sweet Hips - Kapo
George & Edith Vanderbilt Award – Most Outstanding Rose
Coral Knock Out - Radler
Resource Links; Get a look at the blooms on Paul Zimmerman's Winners Page: http://paulzimmermanroses.com/resources/biltmore-international-rose-trials/2019-results/
Biltmore Estate: http://www.Biltmore.com
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.comListen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsors:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
RedneckRosarian by DeWit - Heirlooms Garden Tools https://amzn.to/2My1LkC
This podcast is a production of the VanCleave Media Group, Birmingham Alabama

Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
ABOUT MICHAEL MARRIOTT...Michael has been a passionate gardener and plants person from a very early age.After graduating in Agricultural Botany at Reading University in 1976 and working for a short time in research in plant pathology, I went to the Pacific region working on rubber, cocoa and oil palm estates. I started working with roses in 1984 on my return to the UK, joining David Austin Roses in 1985 firstly as nursery manager and then as senior rosarian giving advice, designing rose gardens, writing, lecturing and generally promoting the nursery and David Austin’s English Roses around the world. In addition, he a member of the RHS woody plant committee.
Michael has started to retire giving more time to traveling and gardening.
Follow him on Instagram at
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.com Listen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.comCo-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsors:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
RedneckRosarian by DeWit - Heirlooms Garden Tools https://amzn.to/2My1LkC

Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Due to an IT glitch, funding for for rose rosette research was not allocated. Dr. Mark Windham, Distinquished Professor at the University of Tennessee (Knoxville) and one of the leading Rose Rosette Disease researchers, is with us to give us an update on current rose rosette research and to give us some idea of what's at stake if this vital horticultural research is halted. He also offers FREE resources to gardeners and landscape professionals to help detect RRD.
If you have additional questions or are ready to help, contact Mark. (see below)
Mark Windham
370 Plant Biotech Bldg.
Dept. of Ent. and Plant Path. - UT
2505 E. J. Chapman Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4560
Email: mwindham@utk.edu
Phone: 865 974 0206
Guide to Early Detection of Rose Rosette: https://extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/SP806.pdfA Guide to Rose Diseases and their Managementhttps://www.rose.org/diseases
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.com Listen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.comCo-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsors:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
RedneckRosarian by DeWit - Heirlooms Garden Tools https://amzn.to/2My1LkC

Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
The rose world lost a legend in December.
From school boy to rose breeder...Growing up in the Shropshire countryside, David Austin developed a passion for plants from a very young age. However, his interest in flowers was truly ignited when he first discovered a magazine called Gardens Illustrated, tucked away in the school library. After being encouraged by his teacher, he decided to pursue his new found passion.
Despite continually discovering new found inspiration his dream, broadly speaking, remained the same as when he first started breeding roses as an amateur, all those years ago: to create the perfect garden worthy rose that combines beauty, fragrance, repeat-flowering ability and good disease resistance with great charm – the quality his English Roses are most renowned for. As he said in his book, The English Roses, he had one goal that was more important than any other, “… that we should strive to develop the rose’s beauty in flower, growth and leaf.” Of fragrance he wrote, “[It] may be said to be the other half of the beauty of a rose”.
A beautiful display at the recent Chelsea Flower Show had these beautiful words about him, "A Life Lived in Full Bloom." And, his life truly was lived that way. Our friend and writer, Lynn Hunt, had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Austin and has shared her story with us. Listen in...
Voices From The Garden is a series of broadcasts by gardeners who share with us an intrinsic mix of life lessons, faith stories, and glorious gardening adventures, exclusively on the Rose Chat Podcast. Do you have a story to tell? Record your experience and send it to us at Chris@RedneckRosarian.com
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.com Listen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.comCo-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsors:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
RedneckRosarian by DeWit - Heirlooms Garden Tools https://amzn.to/2My1LkC

Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
MUST SEE ROSE GARDEN | Janie Earle Furman Rose Garden
Rose Chat special correspondent Joshua Guerrero takes a stroll with Sheree Wright through the Janie Earle Furman rose garden at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. This magnificent garden features over 800 roses and a 19th century gazebo and fountains which is the scene of many weddings and other events in Greenville. This is a must visit garden and the Rose Chat Podcast was there to tell you all about it.
Josh, from the popular YouTube Channel, The Colorful Gardener caught up with Furman's Horticulturalist Sheree Wright in the rose garden and they walked the garden and chatted about the history of this garden and the beautiful roses planted there. Sheree also offers some tips on growing and maintaining roses in this garden and also in your own your home garden. It's an episode of Rose Chat you don't want to miss.
About Josh GuerreroJosh Guerrero is a horticulturist with a passion for long flowering perennials. After working at Riverbanks Botanical Garden he was taken by old garden roses and now the rose bug has taken over. Currently he runs his own landscape business and YouTube Channel called the Colorful Gardener. Find him also on Instagram @colorful_gardener
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.com Listen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.comCo-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsors:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
RedneckRosarian by DeWit - Heirlooms Garden Tools https://amzn.to/2My1LkC

Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Matt Douglas from High Country Roses joins us to talk about an amazing collection of roses they have collected and are sharing with the world. Steeped in history, High Country Roses was founded by Dr. Bill Campbell who spent decades testing roses that would withstand the tough Colorado climate. Matt shares with us some of his favorites on this episode. Warning: They might just become your favorites too!
EXCLUSIVE OFFER for Rose Chat Listeners: Use the discount code "ROSECHAT" at checkout to receive 15% off your purchase at HighCountryRoses.com
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.com Listen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.comCo-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsors:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
RedneckRosarian by DeWit - Heirlooms Garden Tools https://amzn.to/2My1LkC

Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Since the beginning of our friendship with Susan, she has inspired us with her brand of rose fever. From one bagged rose from K Mart to a rose farm and multifaceted rose business, her love for the queen of flowers will inspire you too.
In this episode, Susan offers great tips on rooting roses and tell us about her handcrafted rose scented soap and even a rose scented lip balm. Susan also shares us about her recent appearance on the popular gardening television program "The Volunteer Gardener" Watch the episode
Here's more info on the two roses Susan recommended on this broadcast:Mistress Bosanquet & Mrs. Oakley Fisher
Susan also serves as curator at Grace Rose Farm and as a special offer to Rose Chat Podcast listeners they are offering a 15% discount on all orders using the code: rosechat at checkout.
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.com Listen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.comCo-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsors:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
RedneckRosarian by DeWit - Heirlooms Garden Tools https://amzn.to/2My1LkC

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Horticulturist Jason Powell from Petals From The Past in Jemison, Alabama speaks to the Birmingham Rose Society at a recent meeting about using Old Garden Roses in the landscape. You'll be delighted by his wit and wisdom as he moves through a palette of roses that are sure to grab your attention. If you love old roses, you'll love this episode.
Show Links:
Follow along with Jason's presentation slides! CLICK HERE
Petals From the Past Website
Not to be missed:His annual Old Garden Rose Symposium held in February of every year is a MUST attend if you are in the area. Details on the Petals From The Past website
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.com Listen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.comCo-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsors:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
RedneckRosarian by DeWit - Heirlooms Garden Tools https://amzn.to/2My1LkC

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Ryan Tilley is an American Rose Society Master Rosarian, Master Gardener, former Greater Atlanta Rose Society President and Vice President, and GARS newsletter editor and writer. He is best known as the owner of his own rose garden maintenance and installation business “Rose Gardens by Ryan” along with publishing his nationally distributed newsletter “The Georgia Rose.”
Ryan has been in the rose business for more than 25 years. His beautiful rose gardens have been included on national and local tours numerous times, including Atlanta Botanical Garden Connoisseur Tour and twice featured on the ARS National Rose Show and Convention Tours held in Atlanta, GA.
Today he joins us to share tips from 25 years of growing roses and to talk about a recent project … a major renovation of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library Rose Garden.
Subscribe to his newsletter through his wife, Wendy's, website — TheRoseGardener.com
Voices From The Garden is a series of broadcasts by gardeners who share with us an intrinsic mix of life lessons, faith stories, and glorious gardening adventures, exclusively on the Rose Chat Podcast. Do you have a story to tell? Record your experience and send it to us at Chris@RedneckRosarian.com
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.com Listen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.comCo-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsor:
Haven Brand Soil Conditioners: http://www.ManureTea.com/shop

Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Tom Carruth, is the current curator of the Huntington Rose Garden a job he is doing in his "retirement". Much of Tom's incredible rose work was done at Weeks Roses where he became the hybridizer of some of the world most beautiful rose. At the recent ARS National Convention, he took us on a bit of a time travel experience that started in 1953 with main players being Herb Swim and Rosa Soulieana, takes us through many twists and turns and lands us in the middle of the fragrant and incredibly beautiful Julia Child rose. Don't miss this special edition of Rose Chat … we sure wouldn't want you to miss all the wit, charm and incredible talent of Tom Carruth.
Show Links:The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens
The Huntington Rose Garden: https://www.huntington.org/rose-garden
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.com Listen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.comCo-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsors:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
RedneckRosarian by DeWit - Heirlooms Garden Tools https://amzn.to/2My1LkC

Rose Chat Podcast
Exploring the World of Roses
This award winning podcast explores all things roses. Join hosts Chris VanCleave and Teresa Byington as they chat with rose lovers and experts from around the globe to help you achieve the rose garden of your dreams>