
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Rose Hybridizer Christian Bedard joins the rose chat crew for a discussion on new roses from Weeks Roses for 2018. Among the new entries you'll find beautiful blooms, fragrance and improved disease resistance like never before.
Roses featured on today's show: Easy Spirit, Lady in Red, Parade Day, Frida Kahlo, Rosie the Riveter and Top Gun!
Easy to Grow. Easy to Care For. Easy to Love. - Weeks Roses.
Today's Show Links:
Weeks Roses
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Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Around the Table & In The Garden | Voices From The Garden | #MyARSStory
My journey to the American Rose Society Fall National Convention was an eventful one. I made the trip from Birmingham to Gettysburg alone. It was quite an adventure. I saw some beautiful scenery and along the way stopped at Nancy Redington's house. Nancy is the Penn-Jersey District Director of the American Rose Society and was national chairperson for this years convention. Her house, affectionaetly known as "the box on the rocks" is a gathering place for fellow rosarians who traveled to the convention. During my visit, I sat down with some of the "who's who" in the world of roses. Our friends Craig Dorschel, Don and Mary Myers as well as Andy Vanable were all gathered around Nancy's kitchen table drinking coffee. We chatted about how we came into the organization and why we've stayed. Afterwards, Nancy and I walked through her beautiful garden and had a great chat. It was a trip I'll never forget and I think you'll really enjoy this broadcast. --- Chris VanCleave, Creator Rose Chat podcast.
Nancy's Garden
Would you like to know more about becoming a member of the American Rose Society? visit www.Rose.org to join.
Are you a member of the American Rose Society? We'd love to share your ARS Story. Voices From The Garden is a series of broadcasts submitted by gardeners who share with us an intrinsic mix of life lessons, faith stories and glorious gardening adventures, exclusively on the Rose Chat Podcast. Do you have a story to tell? Record your experience and send it to us at Chris@RedneckRosarian.com

Monday Sep 04, 2017
Monday Sep 04, 2017
For Spring 2018, David Austin introduces three beautiful English Roses to U.S. and Canadian gardeners. All three varieties combine outstanding health with beauty, fragrance, grace and, most importantly, charm – the quality they are most renowned for. Michael Marriott, chief rosarian at David Austin Roses joins us to talk about these new intros and a whole lot more.
SHOW LINKS:David Austin Roses Website
Sign Up for The Fragrant Rose - FREE e-membership newsletter of the American Rose Society
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Sunday Aug 13, 2017
Sunday Aug 13, 2017
On this broadcast of the Rose Chat Podcast Wes Harvell joins us to talk new intros from Jackson & Perkins.
Wes is a graduate of Kansas State University with a degree in horticulture. For the last 26 years, he has been in the wholesale and retail garden rose business in production, sales, and management within the industry. He has been a member of the All American Rose Selections Committee, a master gardener, and currently is in charge of the rose program for Jackson & Perkins. He is with us today to share the Jackson and Perkins 2018 introductions - all of these are lovely roses from esteemed hybridizer Keith Zary. Many of these new introductions commemorate special events and people — adding such a extra touch to both the event and the rose.
Use the code "RoseChat" when you order $100 of roses from Jackson & Perkins and receieve $20 off your total order. Offer Ends September 30, 2017
Show Links:
Jackson & Perkins Website
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Sunday Jul 23, 2017
Sunday Jul 23, 2017
Susan Young is a perennial gardener who became hooked on roses after buying one bagged rose from K Mart! She was with us in January of 2015 to talk of her growing from that one rose to more than 250. You can still enjoy that podcast here. Susan now is the owner of Restoration Roses and Nursery and her rose collection is well over 750 and just keeps growing. As a collector of heirloom roses she is working hard to bring them back into the public arena — saving many of them from near extinction! Susan also supplies local florists with her lovely blooms. Adding adding charm and fragrance to their bouquets.
You will be inspired by this enthusiastic lover of roses and their companions!
Restoration Roses Website
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Sunday Jun 25, 2017
Sunday Jun 25, 2017
It's that time of year where fire ants are everywhere it seems. On this broadcast of the Rose Garden Check Up, Dr. Barry McCasland talks about his experience with these pesky creatures and offers some tips for what do you if you become a victim.
This series of podcasts is dedicated to health and wellness issues related to gardeners. Dr. McCasland is a board certified physician, avid rose gardener and wants you to get the most out of your health and your roses.Note: The information provided in this series is meant for basic informational purposes, and is not intended to replace the advice given to you by your physician. Consult with your doctor before making decisions concerning your health.
The Rose Garden Checkup with Dr. Barry McCasland, heard exclusively on the Rose Chat Podcast.
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Monday Jun 05, 2017
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Pam Greenewald joins us to talk about Rose Garden Angels, Inc., a non profit that uses horticulture therapy to help those suffering from PTSD and other disorders. They currently have 8 Veterans growing roses and getting paid for every rose they grow. "It's quite an uplifiting experience for these veteran's to see how they can grow something that brings a lot of beauty to the world." says Pam.
"These roses are generally disease-free and most were created in the 1800’s. The roses have all been grown on their own roots organically. Our Care Card accompanies each purchase so you may continue to grow your rose in the natural tradition in which it began." said Greenewald.
It's a broadcast you won't want to miss
Angel Gardens - Website
Follow Angel Gardens on Facebook
Learn more about Charlie & Christine Stewart of Glenwood Farm and their "Holy Roses" mentioned on this broadcast by visiting their Facebook page
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Monday May 22, 2017
Monday May 22, 2017
Roses are back on the runways of nearly every fashion show this season and rose hybridizer extraordinaire Brad Jalbert of Select Roses, Canada along with Tyler Francis, one of the world's largest producers of roses joins us to talk about 'Vogue' a new rose named to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Vogue magazine. Available this summer from Jackson & Perkins roses, 'Vogue' is a fragrant peach colored rose that every fashionista will want to grow!
Resources mentioned on today's show:
The Making of Vogue's New Anniversary Rose
Brad Jalbert's Select RosesPurchase the 'Vogue' Rose from Jackson & Perkins
Don't Miss an episode! Subscribe to Rose Chat Updates

Sunday Apr 30, 2017
Sunday Apr 30, 2017
It's been almost ten years since Star Roses introduced its last Knock Out rose and for 2017 they are giving us a triple knock out punch with the introduction of three new roses from the Knock Out family! Jacques Ferare joins us to chat about these roses and how regionality plays a key role in these introductions.
Learn more about these exciting new introductions at the Star Roses Website:
Star Roses and Plants

Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Dr. Allan Armitage joins us to talk about his latest book "Of Naked Ladies and Forget-Me-Nots", The stories behind the common names of some of our favorite plants. On this show you'll hear some incredible stories on why we shouldnt eat our carrots and how horny goat weed got it's name. We also chat with Dr. A about his favorite annuals and perennials for the garden and about the awesome app for gardeners he created. It's a must have for every techie gardener! Its a rip roaring time on this episode of the Rose Chat Podcast.
Buy Dr. A's book and receive a 15% discount! Simply use the promo code: ROSECHAT at check out.
Get the APP: iOS & Android Versions Available CLICK HERE

Rose Chat Podcast
Exploring the World of Roses
This award winning podcast explores all things roses. Join hosts Chris VanCleave and Teresa Byington as they chat with rose lovers and experts from around the globe to help you achieve the rose garden of your dreams>