
Saturday Feb 09, 2013
Saturday Feb 09, 2013
Roses of Yesterday & Today If you love Old Garden Roses, then you don't want to miss this broadcast. Guinivere Wiley of Roses of Yesterday & Today joins us to talk about these romantic old roses that are know for their disease resistance and powerful fragrance www.rosesofyesterday.com ______________________________________ CONSUMER ALERT: We often read stories of counterfiet clothes, purses and jewelry, but counterfiet roses? Jacques Ferare, Vice President of Licensing and New Business development for Star Roses & Plants will join us to discuss how to tell if the roses and plant you're buying is the genuine article. He will tell us about the "Plant Watch" program which monitors growers and nurseries to ensure consumers are getting the genuine article... More on this important topic: Blog Post from Conard-Pyle Plant Watch Program Link Visit the Rose Chat Radio Web Site: www.RoseChatRadio.com Interested in Advertising with us? Sign up for our media kit: http://t.co/r1JTxH8s

Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Saturday Feb 02, 2013
We are excited to welcome Kristen Smith of Star Roses and Plants to talk about Star's new rose introductions for 2013! Kristen Smith is the new plants coordinated at Star Roses. She graduated with a degree in Horticulture from The Pennsylvania State University in 2013. Following graduation she spent a year as an intern at Stonecrop Gardens. She has been working at Star® Roses and Plants in the role of New Plants Coordinator for seven years. Part of her job as a member of the New Products Development is to organize and evaluate the rose trials in West Grove, PA and organize distribution of roses, woody plants, and perennials to trial sites around the country.From the Peace rose to the revolutionary Knock Out® and Drift® Roses, Star® Roses and Plants/Conard-Pyle has been a pioneer in the field of plant development and introduction for more than 100 years. Founded in 1897 as a retail mail order firm specializing in roses, Star® Roses and Plants/Conard-Pyle, has evolved from a wholesale container nursery to a leading genetics company involved directly in breeding roses, perennials and woody plants, and introducing plants from other breeders around the world. We'll also hear from Annie Haven on the importance of hydrating bare root roses prior to planting. Stay informed on upcoming broadcasts via e-mail: http://eepurl.com/nINYz

Saturday Jan 26, 2013
Saturday Jan 26, 2013
WATER CONSERVATION Watering roses can be a back breaking task. Drip irrigation systems can relive some of the pressure and installing one is easier than you think. Our guest, Leon Springer owner of DripWorks.com will join us to talk about drip irrigation and share from his weath of knowledge on how using a drip system can yeild awesome blooms and reduced water usage by 30 - 50%! WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU We encourage you to call in during the live broadcast (347) 677-1870 with comments or questions or your may ask a question by leaving a comment, on twitter using the #RoseChat hashtag or by sending your questions via e-mail to: GROW@RoseChat.info Immediately following the live broadcast, all shows are available on-demand and are also available for download to iTunes and all other podcasting outlets. Stay informed on upcoming broadcasts via e-mail: http://eepurl.com/nINYz Our Website: www.RoseChatRadio.com

Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Saturday Jan 19, 2013
As a part of our continuing commitment to provide educational support to those who want to grow great roses, Ron Daniels joins us for part 2 of our series on rose gardening basics, Ron is a Master Gardener and an American Rose Society Consulting Rosarian. He'll be back with us to share more of the "basics" of rose gardening. This week: Selection & Planting. Listen to Part 1 of "How To Grow Roses" HERE Mr. Daniels offers a pamphlet on growing roses. RoseTherapy23@Gmail.com Check out our website: www.RoseChatRadio.com Sponsored by: Haven Brand Soil Conditioners

Saturday Jan 12, 2013
Saturday Jan 12, 2013
The Right Tools Make All The Difference Take care of your roses and they will reward you with blooms every rosarian can be proud of. Corona tools can't promise a rose garden, however they do specialize in all the right tools needed to keep your roses looking great. Season after season, they help rose growers to keep their plants healthy and strong using the best tools for planting, pruning, applying mulch and fertilizer and weeding. Garden tool guru, Chris Sabbarese of Corona Tools, USA joins to to talk about what tools are needed in every rose garden. GREAT GIVEAWAY OFFER: Simply click over and LIKE the Rose Chat Radio page on Facebook! You'll be entered to win a great garden tool set from Corona Tools. Offer good on LIKES received between 9pm cdt 1/7/2013 and 9am 1/12/2013.

Saturday Jan 05, 2013
Saturday Jan 05, 2013
How To Grow Roses It's a brand new year and many people's thoughts have already turned to gardening. You may even be thinking about adding a few roses to your garden. Master Gardener and Rosarian Ron Daniels joins us to share step by step instructions on how to get started growing roses in your garden. Join us! Rose Pamphlet from Ron: rosetherapy23@gmail.com. Great Giveaway This Week: S & W Greenhouse is giving away a $100 and a $50 gift certificate to be used toward their beautiful line of roses. To enter: You must LIKE them on Facebook and then comment on the contest post on Facebook. A random drawing will be held during the broadcast and we'll announce the winner on the show. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - We encourage you to call in during the live broadcast (347) 677-1870 with comments or questions or your may ask a question on twitter using the #RoseChat hashtag in your tweet or by send your questions via e-mail to: GROW@RoseChat.info. Following the live broadcast, all shows are available on-demand and are also available for download to iTunes. Stay informed on upcoming broadcasts via e-mail: http://eepurl.com/nINYz Check out our website: www.RoseChatRadio.com

Saturday Dec 15, 2012
Saturday Dec 15, 2012
Growing roses in cold zones (3-5) can be a challenge in winter. This week Jack Falker, a rosarian from Minnesota will share tips for keeping your roses safe and sound for the cold winter months. He'll also share why he's against the "Minnesota Tip". Also Scheduled to appear: Jolene Adams, President of the American Rose Society Bob Martin of RoseShow.com will join us to share a poem of the season for rose exhibitors! SHOW LINK: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rosechat/2012/12/15/rose-chat-radio WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU We encourage you to call in during the live broadcast (347) 677-1870 with comments or questions or your may ask a question by leaving a comment, on twitter using the #RoseChat hashtag or by sending your questions via e-mail to: GROW@RoseChat.info Immediately following the live broadcast, all shows are available on-demand and are also available for download to iTunes and all other podcasting outlets. Stay informed on upcoming broadcasts via e-mail: http://eepurl.com/nINYz Our Website: RoseChatRadio.com

Saturday Dec 08, 2012
Saturday Dec 08, 2012
Certified Roses is proud to introduce its Simply Brilliant™ collection for the 2013 selling season. Featuring seven internationally award- winning roses from the renowned Kordes® breeding program, the collection is available exclusively for independent garden centers. With today’s gardener in mind, these Kordes varieties truly represent the next generation of roses—combining the elegant look of a traditional rose with environmentally sustainable plants that are low maintenance and naturally disease resistant. Based in Germany, Kordes is a family-owned business that’s now in its 4th generation of breeding and growing roses. Internationally recognized for breeding exceptional roses, each Kordes rose is put to the test in rigorous trials located at eleven sites throughout Germany. For garden roses, trialing for disease resistance, fragrance, flowering, and vigor often requires a minimum of seven years. Tyler Francis joins us to talk about this "Simply Brilliant" line of roses! Join us!

Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Join hosts Chris VanCleave and Teresa Byington as they welcome a few of their garden pals to talk about some awesome gift ideas for Rose Gardeners. Read on for details on a great giveaway from JoyUsGarden.com We've been searching all year for the best in gift ideas for gardeners and we'll be sharing unique gifts that are sure to please. Don't shop for the gardeners in your life until you hear this show! To be eligible for the giveaway: Comment on the Christmas Gift Guide Blog Post on RoseChatRadio.com by clicking HERE The winner will be announced on Wednesday December 5, 2012 on the show blog and will be notified via e-mail. Stay informed on upcoming shows! Sign up for our weekly newsletter HERE

Saturday Nov 10, 2012
Saturday Nov 10, 2012
From the people who brought you such introductions as "Dream Come True" and "Julia Child" , Karen Kemp-Docksteader from Weeks Roses joins us to preview their 2013 rose introductions. Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower is one of the largest commercial rose growers in the United States since 1938. Our top-quality bareroot plants, container plants, dormant plantable pots and liners are sold to nurseries, garden centers, and select mailorder outlets nationwide. Weeks Roses offers a unique broad selection of specialty roses - hybrid teas & grandifloras, floribundas, climbing roses, shrublets & shrub roses, miniature roses, tree roses, and All-America Rose Selections - AARS award winners. We produce both budded and own-root plants. For each rose variety, we select the propagation method that ensures maximum plant performance, hardiness and floriferousness in your garden. Stay informed on upcoming guests! Sign up for our weekly newsletter HERE

Rose Chat Podcast
Exploring the World of Roses
This award winning podcast explores all things roses. Join hosts Chris VanCleave and Teresa Byington as they chat with rose lovers and experts from around the globe to help you achieve the rose garden of your dreams>