
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Rebecca Koraytem is the U. S. Sales Executive for David Austin Roses Ltd, working directly with North American garden retailers and professional growers. She has deep knowledge of English Rose varieties and is attuned to diverse U.S. and Canadian gardening regions. Prior to joining David Austin Roses, Rebecca was a garden editor for Southern Living magazine for 15 years.
On today's show, Rebecca will bring us up to date on how things are going at David Austin Roses since the pandemic. And, share her insights on some emerging rose trends. We will also take a peek inside her rose garden!
To place an order for roses or a catalog, head over to their website here. https://www.davidaustinroses.com
Or just go there to get lost in the beautiful pictures of roses! 😉🌹
Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.com
Creator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Consulting Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer, and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society. Teresa's large cottage garden weaves together her love of roses - from the oldest to the most modern shrubs and their garden companions.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop

Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Carolyn Parker
Today our guest is Carolyn Parker. Carolyn is truly one of the most creative people we know. Join us as we chat about what it's like to leave a beautiful rose garden you designed and nurtured for 36 years to start a new garden adventure.
Carolyn Parker is a New York fashion designer turned passionate rose gardener and is the author of two books on roses. She is especially known for her gorgeous rose and garden photography. She says of herself, "My love for roses tossed me onto a path of learning and discovery that happily has no end."
Carolyn's Blog
Etsy Shop
Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.com
Creator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Consulting Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer, and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society. Teresa's large cottage garden weaves together her love of roses - from the oldest to the most modern shrubs and their garden companions.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop

Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Autumn and Winter are fast approaching and the signs are everywhere. Rose Chat welcomes writer and photographer Lynn Hunt who tells us about the folklore associated with fall and winter weather patterns. It's a great listen and one of our favorite "Voices From The Garden" episodes.
Visit Lynn's website where you'll discover this and many other wonderful stories from her gardening journey:
A series of broadcasts by gardeners who share with us an intrinsic mix of life lessons, faith stories, and glorious gardening adventures, exclusively on the Rose Chat Podcast. Do you have a story to tell? Record your experience and send it to us at RoseChatPodcast@gmail.com
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.com
Listen to any episode anytime online for FREE!
OUR HOSTS:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Consulting Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer, and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society. Her garden is a large cottage garden filled with roses and their companions.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Join us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop

Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Dr. Allan Armitage
New Hellebores that hold their heads up.
Well behaved Coreopsis!
Yes, this and so much more from Dr. Armitage, who wows us with new plant information and, as always, adds loads of fun to gardening.
BOOK PROMO CODE: Until the end of November, you will receive free shipping on books purchased from his bookstore by using the promo code ROSECHAT. http://www.allanarmitage.net/shop
Hellebores with upright flowers!
Frostkiss Variegated Hellebores There are almost a dozen cultivars with tough beautiful foliage and colorful upright flowers.
Ice & Roses Hellebore series (not variegated, but good performers)
Rudbeckias: The new rudbeckias bred by Brent Horvath of Intrinsic Perennials in Hebron, IL. An upgrade to ‘Goldsturm’.
Coreopsis: Uptick series, the best is ‘Gold & Bronze’
Roses: Brindabella series of roses and the nicely-behaved ‘Winner’s Circle’ climbing rose
Aralia: 'Sun King’, as good as the press claims it to be.
Gomphrena: 'Truffula Pink’ - I love it, flowers forever, and ho can you not like Dr Seuss?
Begonia: ‘Canary Wings’, the golden form of ‘Dragon Wings’. Absolutely brightens the shade.
Deutzia ‘Chardonnay Pearls’, not new but extraordinary
Any Japanese maple
Join Dr. A for events including "Walk Abouts" in his garden and on his travels via Instagram and Facebook.
Dr. Allan Armitage is a well known writer, speaker, and horticulturist. Born and raised in Quebec and Ontario, he later lived in East Lansing, MI and now resides in Athens, GA. He has worked with landscape plants and greenhouse crops in the North and South, and travels the world speaking and sharing his passion for plants.
Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.com
Creator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Consulting Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer, and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society. Teresa's large cottage garden weaves together her love of roses - from the oldest to the most modern shrubs and their garden companions.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop

Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Today our guest is Dr. David Zlesak - Distinquished Professor at the University of Wisconsin and a very accomplished Rose Breeder.
Our topic today is the American Rose Trials for Sustainability — also known as ARTS
Our mission is to identify, through regional evaluation and testing under low input conditions, the most disease and pest resistant, hardiest and most garden-worthy rose cultivars and to provide objective, accurate and reliable information about the cultivars tested for each region to industry professionals and the gardening public. For more information go to TrustedRoses.com.
See the all the beautfiul award winning roses... here.
Here are a few of the beauties...
Brindabella ... read more
Farruca Courtyard ... read more
Kashmir ... read more
Petit Pink ... read more
Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.com
Creator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Consulting Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer, and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society. Teresa's large cottage garden weaves together her love of roses - from the oldest to the most modern shrubs and their garden companions.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
MY FAVORITE PINK LADIESCarrie BergsBlogger and Web Administrator of the ARS North Central District
On this episode, Carrie Bergs shares some of her all-time favorite old garden roses that she calls "my pink ladies" - a collection with classic colors and old fashioned fragrance...Madame Issac PereireBaron PrevostSidoniePaul NeyronRosa Mundi
Carrie and her husband, Joe, grow about 350 roses in their SE Wisconsin Zone 5 garden. They are enthusiastic rosarians and award-winning exhibitors. Carrie is past president of the Greater Milwaukee Rose Society, an apprentice rose show judge, and currently serves on the North Central District Board of the ARS as the web administrator and blogger. Their garden will be featured on tour during the 2021 ARS National Convention next September in Milwaukee.
Link to North Central District Website
Madam Issac Pereire
Baron Prevost
Paul Neyron
Rosa Mundi
Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.com
Creator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Consulting Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop

Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Lucy Medvec
National Director of Membership and Development – American Rose Society
In the days of shelter in place, the American Rose Society is using new tools to build connections with those who love the rose!
Lucy Medvec joined the American Rose Society as National Director of Membership and Development in October 2018. At the time, her knowledge of roses had more to do with being a recipient of bouquets and arrangements rather than someone who grew them in her yard. Two years later, she is now the proud owner of 18 somewhat thriving bushes, with a wish list of at least 30 more varieties for her 2021 garden. Her favorite rose is Pope John Paul II.
Lucy has over 30 years’ experience in the nonprofit field, specifically in development and marketing. What she enjoys most about her current position with the ARS is the ability to speak with its members from around the country on a daily basis and assist local societies in their efforts to increase membership at a local level.
She is living proof that anyone can grow roses, no matter their age or level of experience, and is always seeking ways to engage a younger generation of gardeners and future rosarians. She enjoys being able to work in such a beautiful place as the American Rose Center and considers it one of Shreveport’s finest treasures. A California native who has called Shreveport, Louisiana, home since 1992, Lucy is the wife of Mark, a retired B-52 pilot, and two sons, Andrew, 25, and Daniel, 22.
I would like to talk about the different ways that we have enhanced the membership experience during the pandemic. For example, we now offer the ability for local societies to hold free online meetings for their membership, we held a Green Thumb seminar (usually a Shreveport event) that was attended by over 200 people from around the country and will offer more of them in the future, and the opportunities I have had over the past few months to speak to members and help them feel connected to the American Rose Society. It is a wonderful surprise that our membership has not decreased these past few months - if anything, we are bringing in more new and lapsed members who are reconnecting to the ARS.
Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.com
Creator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop

Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Paul Zimmerman joins us today to talk about a new video project on Rose Rosette Research
JOIN ON AUGUST 22 at 2pm....
The video Paul's YouTube Channel - The video will go live at 2PM EST on Aug 22. It will be available on demand after that. LINK HERE
The Charity Go Fund Me Page is live and donations can be entered! HERE
This charity go fund me is through AGRS a 501C5 organization and all donations are tax-deductible according to law.
Paul Zimmerman is the owner of Paul Zimmerman Roses, a company dedicated to budding the rose grower In All Of Us. He is also an Independent Consultant to Jackson & Perkins.
He has written articles for Fine Gardening, Organic Gardening, American Nurseryman and other gardening magazines. He hosted the blog “Roses Are Plants, Too” on Fine Gardening Magazine’s website for numerous years. He lectures internationally and has also served as an International juror for numerous Rose Trials. He is the author of the book “Everyday Roses’ published by Taunton Press.
While living in Los Angeles, California Paul founded and ran “Hundred Acre Woods Rosescapeing”, a company specializing in the care, design, and installation of rose gardens; particularly Antique, Shrub, and David Austin Roses. After moving to South Carolina he started Ashdown Roses Ltd a rose nursery offering A World of Garden Roses, which he closed in 2009 to focus on rose growing education.
Among some of his other accomplishments are founding a YouTube Channel on rose care with to date some 3.5 million views, creator and host of the Blueprint (formerly Craftsy) class “A Gardener’s Guide to Growing Roses”, was hired by the New York Botanical Garden to review their care protocols and was hired by the Chinese Government to present a two day seminar on the American Rose Industry and American Rose Gardens to a delegation of rose experts from China. He is now also leading garden tours in Europe.
It is this hands on experience with roses in a general garden setting that Paul draws on for his Talks, You Tube Videos, Articles, and Workshops.
THE SHOW: www.RoseChatPodcast.comListen to any episode anytime online for FREE anywhere podcasts are available.
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.comCreator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSEVisit Our Sponsor:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
This podcast is a production of the VanCleave Media Group, Birmingham Alabama

Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
On today's program, Cindy shares five of her favorite classic Hybrid Teas and five of her favorite easier care, decorative Hybrid Teas. So, there is something for everyone! She also shares wonderful tips for growing roses in her particular part of the country - the deep south!
Cindy Dale...
Cindy is an awarding winning rose gardener, consulting rosarian as well as rose show exhibitor and rose show judge. She currently serves on the American Rose Society board as the Deep South District Director. Listen in as she shares her gardening experiences of growing more than 280 roses in the deep south.
Follow Cindy on Facebook for more information and incredible pictures.
Our Hosts:Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.com
Creator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society.
Subscribe to Rose Chat Podcast Updates: http://bit.ly/subscribeROSE
Visit Our Sponsor:
Haven Brand Soil Conditionershttp://www.ManureTea.com/shop
This podcast is a production of the VanCleave Media Group, Birmingham Alabama

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
The very popular Dr. Mark Windham, Distinguished Professor in Ornamental Pathology at the University of Tennessee, is back to share the latest news on a very unpopular subject RRD. We will learn from Mark where the research stands at this time as well as the research funding and he will remind home gardeners what to look for, where to find correct information and what to do.
Download the one-page EARLY DETECTION document Mark spoke of HERE.
ROSE CHATListen to any ROSE CHAT episode anytime online for FREE wherever podcasts are found.
Chris VanCleave - www.RedneckRosarian.com
Creator of the Rose Chat Podcast. Mr. VanCleave is a nationally known rosarian, speaker and advocate for the rose.
Teresa Byington - www.TheGardenDiary.com
Co-Host Teresa Byington is a Consulting Rosarian, Master Gardener, writer and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society. Her garden is a large cottage garden filled with roses and their companions.
FOR LATEST UPDATES: Subscribe to our newsletter HERE.
Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
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Rose Chat Podcast
Exploring the World of Roses
This award winning podcast explores all things roses. Join hosts Chris VanCleave and Teresa Byington as they chat with rose lovers and experts from around the globe to help you achieve the rose garden of your dreams>